A video from Interact’s “InterAction Heroes” series featuring members of the Charlotte community whose work has positively impacted by taking an Interact course. Concept, graphic design, directing, production, videography, editing.
Snapshot from the Voice for a Cause reception. Photography.
Logo for Interact’s quarterly breakfast speaker series, #MorningMotivationCLT. Graphic design, branding, social media management.
A video from Interact’s “InterAction Heroes” series featuring members of the Charlotte community whose work has positively impacted by taking an Interact course. Concept, graphic design, directing, production, videography, editing.
Snapshot of Interact’s “Voice for a Cause” course. Photography, social media management.
Brand billboards add content to Interact’s social media.
Continued use of bright colored quotes on Interact’s social media platforms provides content and branding. Concept, graphic design, social media management.
Franchise graphic for Interact’s “InterAction Hero” series which highlights the inspiring members of the Charlotte community that have taken an Interact course. Concept, branding, graphic design, social media management.
Promotional graphic for Interact’s “Crisis Communications 101” course. Graphic design, social media management.
A snapshot from the first installment of Interact’s quarterly breakfast speaker series, #MorningMotivationCLT. Branding, photography, social media management.